Enhance your diagnostics and treatment planning through 3D dental CT scanning
3D dental imaging is one of the most significant advancements in modern dentistry, providing accurate and detailed diagnostic information for optimal clinical outcomes. Strongsville Smile Keepers stays abreast of dental technology by continuously investing in cutting-edge technology. Our Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) 3D unit is a testament to our unwavering commitment to harnessing the power of technology to deliver fast, precise, comfortable, and effective dentistry. Dr. Matt Gaebelein and the team use CBCT scans to improve our patients’ diagnostics and treatment outcomes.Ā
What is a CBCT 3D X-ray?
Standard X-rays focus on a small area to generate two-dimensional images of teeth, bones, and jaws. CBCT scans generate 3D volumetric images to visualize teeth, bones, nerves, sinuses, and other structures from numerous angles. These high-resolution images from different perspectives allow us to identify issues that may be missed with conventional tools.Ā
When are computed tomography scans used?
The CBCT machine uses a rotating arm with an X-ray source on one side and a detector on the other. The arm rotates around your head, capturing multiple images from different angles. A single scan is all it takes to capture detailed images of your oral-facial structures.
Some of the common uses for CBCT scans include:
- Dental implant surgery: The 3D scans allow optimal placement of the dental implants to avoid damaging the nearby nerves, sinuses, and other structures.
- Orthodontic planning: High-resolution images show dental asymmetry and tooth relationships to devise your orthodontic treatment plan.
- Surgical extraction of impacted teeth: A CBCT scan identifies the exact location of the ingrown tooth and allows for precise removal to avoid damage to the nearby teeth, nerves, sinus walls, etc.Ā
- Diagnosing TMJ-related pain: 3D imaging is vital in TMJ evaluation. It allows us to examine your jaw joints and pinpoint any problems with the condyles and surrounding structures.Ā
Thanks to its precise measurements, CBCT can also detect abnormalities in your bone. It can detect changes in the jaw and bone structures to unearth cysts, tumors, and other anatomical deformities.
What are the benefits of 3D Dental CT Scans?
You are at an advantage if you opt for services from a dentist with CBCT technology. This advanced dental imaging solution offers numerous benefits.
Some include:
- Uses a lower dose of radiation than conventional CT scans.
- It only takes 40 seconds or less to capture a full mouth scan.
- Scans are noninvasive and painless.
- High-resolution images achieve enhanced diagnosis and treatment planning.
- A comprehensive view of your oral structures ensures nothing goes undetected.
Ready to upgrade your dental experience?
Strongsville Smile Keepers is dedicated to staying at the forefront of dental technology to improve the patient experience. We have invested in 3D dental imaging to provide top-notch dental care for a smile that will last a lifetime. Call (440) 508-4080 and discover the difference CBCT technology can make in your smile and oral health.Ā